Adam Voigt | The Age

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Adam Voigt is a former principal and founder and CEO of Real Schools.

Unisex school toilets aren’t the bogeyman you think they are

Unisex school toilets aren’t the bogeyman you think they are

Instead of the classic boys and girls bathrooms, a Victorian primary school has opted for unisex toilets. But is this the education hill we should die on?

  • by Adam Voigt


New teachers can’t control their classrooms, but they’re not to blame

New teachers can’t control their classrooms, but they’re not to blame

We’re running out of teachers and constantly shouting at them isn’t helping.

  • by Adam Voigt
School uniforms and rules about hair colour are a waste of time

School uniforms and rules about hair colour are a waste of time

Parents and schools squabbling over the colour of a student’s hair is as edifying as two toddlers scrapping over which coloured sippy cup they want.

  • by Adam Voigt
Why male teachers are dropping out of primary school

Why male teachers are dropping out of primary school

I’m a primary school teacher by trade who began my career in early childhood. And I’m really proud of that. But on more than one occasion, I lied about my job, knowing it was a conversational pothole.

  • by Adam Voigt
Schools right now face a choice - fight the wave of ChatGPT, or surf it

Schools right now face a choice - fight the wave of ChatGPT, or surf it

So impossible will it be in the artificial intelligence future for any teacher to determine the integrity of any student’s learning when not in their direct supervision, that the very formula for educating them will be forced to change. The entire model of schooling may be flipped on its head.

  • by Adam Voigt
Teacher crisis won’t resolve until we end game of political football

Teacher crisis won’t resolve until we end game of political football

You can’t separate the teacher shortage crisis from what’s become known as ‘the funding wars’ in education.

  • by Adam Voigt
Private schools under pressure as luxuries the first to go in tough times

Private schools under pressure as luxuries the first to go in tough times

The sudden closure of the Colmont School in Melbourne’s north sent a shockwave through the school’s community, but it likely won’t be the last private school on the chopping block as budgets tighten and funds redirect to a sector with higher returns.

  • by Adam Voigt
What not to do when your child is bullied at school

What not to do when your child is bullied at school

There’s almost nothing to drive a spirited reaction in a parent like finding out that your child is being bullied.

  • by Adam Voigt
Here’s how to address bullying, nastiness and violence at schools

Here’s how to address bullying, nastiness and violence at schools

Post remote learning, Victorian teachers are reporting unprecedented levels of student violence, aggression, disruption and the breakdown of an already thin remnant of social cohesion.

  • by Adam Voigt
Longest school term ever? No, just tough adjusting to post-lockdown life

Longest school term ever? No, just tough adjusting to post-lockdown life

Students have been changed by the interruptions of lockdowns and the lack of social cohesion they have experienced.

  • by Adam Voigt